Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Jason Rodriguez Art


 As an artist living in the age of information, my work concentrates on the deterioration of young minds due to the overload of mass media. I focus on the destruction of the younger generations with the use of nuclear bombs as a metaphor for mass media. Children are desensitized to topics surrounding war, death, and brutality. Focus is placed on beauty and color stimulation to attract a younger group to live a carefree life. These are paradigms of information that censor the destruction surrounding humanity by the overload of beautiful substance in the media.

The subject matter of each painting is questioning the realization of the world’s horrors. I use acrylic collage, and acrylic medium transfers in my process to create a multi-layered source of information. My works are juxtaposed with capricious substances and embellished with the portrayal of children. My use of color harmonies feed the viewer’s desire for aesthetics and entices movement further into the space of speculation. Identifying the ways that various colors affect our minds psychologically, I seek to incite an emotional response rather than create an image of an experience. Avoiding the portrayal of a singular focus, I am concerned with using color and form to make the works accessible to the viewer as they examine the paintings. My use of color compliments is a tool to attract the viewers towards a candy-like dreamscape with horrific realities.

Jason Rodriguez